
Search "user:Aubrey04"

123 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - profile#8

#7 yes! Profile isn't a very descriptive title, as it has only one word :P

Game analysis - Who is the best player in lichess (Misunderstanding)#2

are you aware that this thread is in game analysis? Either way, You don't have to make a new thread about another thread, we can move on from it now; the topic is closed anyways.

General Chess Discussion - profile#4

Yes, it has a verified check on the profile! That is a way to check if a user is real or not.

General Chess Discussion - who is kaissa44!!!???#5

#2 he is an unknown anonymous..... *scary backround music*

Off-Topic Discussion - What's your saddest thing happen in your chess life?#24

#13 mans wrote a whole novel just to confess their love to a chess computer

General Chess Discussion - Accidentally deleted study#21

Oh wow! (@)killerm3000 you have a very nice rating for a 12 year old!!

General Chess Discussion - When i create a tournament it does not appear for the rest of the community to join.#4

Not sure, but maybe because its not an official tournament made by lichess

Game analysis - Comeback without a Queen#4

yeah, probably a premove.

Game analysis - Comeback without a Queen#2

the fact your opponent blundered their queen-!

Off-Topic Discussion - remi_x is a great guy#3

he must be a nice guy. usually i'd call it a win if someone left the game ;( *claps*
