
Search "user:AlexClark"

42 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Coronavirus#669

The following post by @Kusokosla aged poorly: "Nope, This is all BS, all of it. 25 people died in US from Corona, but 250 died from Aspirin, 20’000 died from wrong medical treatment, 40’000 died from …

General Chess Discussion - My Opponent left the game and started a new one. Pleae See. What should I do.#10

@puzzlesandpuzzles You misunderstood me. I'm aware of what OP is complaining about. I was guessing that OP decided to go for 5 rooks to disrespect his opponent, and was guessing that he did so because…

General Chess Discussion - My Opponent left the game and started a new one. Pleae See. What should I do.#6

I imagine you decided to be a poor sport and get 4 rooks because you think he's a poor sport for not resigning?

Lichess Feedback - Not my fold#5

That happened to me in this game:

Lichess Feedback - Not my fold#4

@yabbadabbadooooooo Sometimes you can 'silently' disconnect from a game. From your side it looks like the opponent isn't making a move, but there's no 'reconnecting...' warning down the bottom left. T…

Lichess Feedback - Not my fold#2

It's not your fault, but don't worry about it. You probably just disconnected. You'll regain those points in the next game.

Lichess Feedback - I had more time than my opponent but Lichess determined that I lost#4

Is the server having issues at the moment? I just 'left the game' and lost:

Lichess Feedback - Thanks Lichess.Org#9

I remember all of our many interactions so fondly. I'm sure almost every member of lichess will dearly miss you.
