
Why no rating change after playing rated games?

I've been playing training games with the Lichess bots. Games with the same bots will sometimes result in rating changes and sometimes not. Why is that?

Here is the game I played today, which did not result in a rating change...

Most likely an anti-farming measure to prevent people farming rating from a BOT by playing similar lines (that could potentially be flawed).
Just play vs. regular users. Though, please be careful here as well... If your opponent throws games to you and you are continuing to accept their challenges, both of you will get banned for artificial rating manipulation.
There are not enough human players ready to play long time controls. Is Lichess going to reply to this?
How can I contact Lichess about this? I didn't see any contact info.
You already did.

Official Lichess Swiss team organizes several 30+0 tournaments.
Lichess 45/45 league ( has several leagues with various time controls as well (30+30, 45+45, 90+30, etc.). Though one needs to be eligible to join it.
There are likely more teams that do the same.
@Jeff2020 This is how you notify them.

Alsao,there is nothing for LiChess to reply to. It's just a fact. They don't have the user base that chess.con has, they don't advertise, and they don't have any special features that would serve as a draw for new users, that might set them apart from, well, anyone. The study thing is alright, but once somebody's using that, there's no issue about player acquisition or retention.
Yes, there is a question for them to reply to. I want to see rating changes so I can keep track of my playing strength. How can I contact them?
The Lichess 45/45 league does not play long time controls. No 90/30 or anything similar.
@bufferunderrun said in #2:
> If your opponent throws games to you and you are continuing to accept their challenges, both of you will get banned for artificial rating manipulation.
Thanks for the info, is there a specific number of games we can play in a row without getting banned?
There isn't, this would be at moderator's discretion. You may get a warning, you may get banned.
I mean if your opponent plays g4 d5 f3 and gets mated every game, it should be rather obvious after second game like this that you shouldn't play this person. Report and move on. You can also block them, so you won't get paired in the lobby or receive a challenge from them.

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