
Please allow us to further zoom so that we can hide LiChess scoreboard like we did with Version 1!

I've tried installing Stylus and adding the userstyle and even tried manually pasting it in and it doesn't seem to work. For some reason the scores still show below the chess board. I don't know exactly what I am doing wrong. I'm using Google Chrome Beta unless it is not supported for Beta version.

@Toadofsky Since I see you are the developer and you acknowledge your disappointment, surely you should've tested this before officially releasing V2? There should be feedback being gathered from the community before something gets officially published so anything the community does not like these changes can be amended.

The scores is the first thing I immediately noticed since V2 got released. By default I see the zooming is 85%. Setting to 100% should've hidden the scores like it did with V1 something I've never had any issues with last 2 years.

Another alternative solution would've been if the scrolling can be allowed to be placed a little bit upwards (approximately 1 inch) that way the scores will hide away without actually adding extra zoom to it at all. But as you probably say maybe a grid needs to be rewritten, I don't know, you probably know better than me.

Waiting for V3 may take over a year again and I don't think it requires an entirely new version for just this issue to be fixed. I don't have any other major complaints with LiChess other than these scores showing up below the chess board.
#11 Yes I tested it, in multiple browsers, on multiple devices, while at the same time I was doing testing for my real-world job and working on several other open-source projects and collaborating with university researchers on yet other projects, and balancing that with other real-world commitments. Somehow I overlooked that while the game page looks great on the majority of devices I have access to, the final V2 release could look better on my PC (from which I stream)... and that's entirely my fault.

Indeed, there's probably some way to address the scoreboard page layout concerns without waiting for V3. Maybe next week I'll have both time & energy to dig deeper into this & try some more userstyles (I'm not a web developer and any fix I could make might break some browsers or devices).
@media (min-width: 1260px) {
.analyse {
grid-template-columns:minmax(230px, 20vw) 2vmin minmax(calc(70vmin * var(--board-scale)), calc(100vh * var(--board-scale) - calc(var(--site-header-height) + var(--site-header-margin)))) var(--gauge-gap) minmax(240px, 400px);
.analyse__tools { max-height: 89vh; } /* Hack, probably needs to be adjusted to your screen size and will not look right if board size isn't 100% */
.analyse__controls { margin-top: -34px; } /* same */

This makes the analysis board take up the whole space at 100% board size but unfortunately the same trick doesn't work for the regular board (all I did was take a definition from analyse.round.dark.min.css and remove '- 2.5rem' from one part of the expression. A similar definition exists in round.dark.min.css but changing it in the same way does not achieve the same effect)

I use this extension:

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