
can’t see my own studies in the app

I’ve created a study on, but when I search for it in the (iPad) app, it doesn’t show up. Is this intended behavior? If so, can I suggest a feature request? Even better, can creating a study be added to the app?

Update: Just found out that if I search for “owner:my username”, it shows up in the app. Great, but could you possibly make this easier (add to help, faq, etc)??
I have an iPad and my studies show up for me. Here's how.

Click Study in the far left menu.

Then click All Studies on the top left. A menu pop-ups and there's options for My public studies and My private studies.
Why does it seem strange to you? If it defaulted to your personal studies it'd be totally blank for most people when they opened the study section.

It's very simple to change the selection to your personal studies. No search entry is required.

The study pop-up works exactly the same as other pop-ups in the app --- for example the one where you select which LiChess TV section you want to watch.
@StingerPuzzles Thanks for the tips! I couldn't see the "All studies" tab & selection menu you mentioned, but I rotated my iPad from landscape to portrait & back again, now it's there.


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