
Biggest Lie that you have been told

@PradyotGM said in #20:
> The biggest lie - Mark Zuckerberg is a human.
everyone knows he's a lizard. Its not lying its just the idiots who think he is human
@TheAstroGuy #10 Don't swear cause it may also result in a temporary ban if you continued to swear cause it would become a habbit then.
#23: swearing won’t get you banned. It’s allowed on lichess, so long as it’s not being used to insult someone.
Yeah but its insulting a field for which millions of people work much hard.
They try more than there 100% to get a job or a dream job.
Till now I don't tell any lie to my friends, teacher, and
my family. But ye if there is happening good to tell lie then I might had told in past.( Not sure)
That my parents were parents and my family a family.
I've been told some pretty big lies in my life but the biggest is still this one: That there's an invisible man in the sky who told some ancient goat herders what he wants us to do and what he doesn't want us to do.

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