
Getting banned for aborting games before the first move!!

There should be an extra hint that you can get banned for aborting a game before the first move is made! I aborted some games before in the 20 sec time and was very surprised that I got a warning to get banned. I think there are many players that are not aware of this.
Now you are aware!
Why threatening those players, who behave politely out of themselves?
No, there shouldn't be. You got your hint. You weren't banned. Move on.
Thanks for the discussion!
I want to make clear that it isn`t such a great deal for me,
and I`m threatening nobody.
I only say, there should be a hint somewhere, perhaps in the Q&A-Sector?

Best greetings!

The message is supposed to generate a reaction. If we tell players, "You're not banned but..." they won't read the rest of the message.
Start it with "We haven't contacted the police yet but..."
@Vandus Of course, you are not threatening anybody. What I wanted to say is: A warning to everybody, regardless, whether he has done anything wrong, is a kind of a threat. I, for example, hate to be warned without the slightest reason.

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