
This is really confusing guys!

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I don't like to compare my friends with one another.
And I hate the terms, best friend, bad friend.
In my book, these phases doesn't exist. A friend is a friend, there is no high/low level of friendship.

Some are more thoughtful than others, some are funnier, and easier to be around.
Some I like to spend time with, on a daily basis, some I don't.
Doesn't mean that they ain't my friend.

Some friends, I can call upon, within a moment's notice, and they are there for me.
Others, they might have different obligations to attend to! Perhaps they have there own things to do, problems to solve? Or children to attend take care of? Their own problems at work, or at home, whatever.
I don't hold that against them.

I cherish all of my friends, based on different criteria. None of them is better than the next.

I am a simple man, I cherish all of those, whom I consider friends, equally.
My friendships, are all based on different criteria.
It's better that way, @NaturalBornTraveller on #16 . I agree with you here.
It doesn't help on anything if you label or compare your friends and
It can just cause negative emotions but
It's still fine if it's divided by close friends and friends, right?

It might not be, so I guess
It's better to say just "friends"?
It's a different argument if it's "close" and not "best" right?
It confuses me, what are your thoughts, @NaturalBornTraveller ?

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