
what would you do if had infint money

Become a patron and give it away, but not too much because then the economy will break.
I would first donate it to help in fighting COVID and hence eradicating it.
Then, I would give the money to all the poor people for their the better facilities and donate it in the world for better infrastructure, health and education.
I would cut down all the trees, eat all the fishes and poison all the streams, then I would realise I can't eat my money.
pay off the world debt then hit the IMF with a tax bill
Keep it a secret because if anyone knew that I had infinite money there would be immediate hyper inflation that would make my infinite money worth nothing.
If had infinite money, I'd talk to a praying mantis, in order to teach her some martial arts.
Actually, if only one individual (let's call him Dr. X for short, because it sounds mysterious and because doctors are rich, but most importantly, because Dio) had "infinite money" and the remainder of the world had a finite money supply, and assuming that Dr X's money supply was an exogenous closed system, I believe that Dr. X could control the outflow of his money supply in such a manner that he is able to use it prior to blowing up the world's economy.

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