
Lichess database only displays game until move 25.

Hi, I'm trying to compile games for Chapter 16 of the following study:

In chapter 16, if you scroll down to 25.Rxd2, this is a theoretical position played 24 times previously. 23 of the games proceeded with 25..Be7, 1 of the games went with 25..Rfd8.

However, when I click on 25..Be7, all of the games referenced in the Master Database with 25.Rxd2 suddenly disappear. Why is that?

This is problematic since I can only reference the top 4 games played in the position at 25.Rxd2, but not the other 20.

Does anyone know what's going on here?
I assume the Opening Explorer terminates after 25 moves?
I'm not sure but perhaps the point is that, "Because most positions after move 25 won't result in a database hit, for performance reasons disable the explorer after move 25?" But I'm not sure.

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