
7 team messages per week


First of all I have to say, that I can understand why the number of team messages has been limited. There are indeed team captains, who use that function to send any kind of nonsense or a lot of demands to join this or that team. All that can be really annoying. But on the other side it is annoying as well to deal with a limit of 7 team messages as well. It is more than difficult to handle a limit like that, above all, when there are several team captains. Then it is quite a challenge how to divide the weekly amount of only 7 team messages. And nevertheless it is almost impossible to inform the team in an adequate way, e.g. about new tournaments or team games. Above all when they are at short notice. Myself, I belong to the team captains of echecs maxipontain and there I did stop to send any reminder for tournaments, because I would take the occasion to announce a team
tournament from magicien60, who organise everything. So I would like to propose a higher limit for the amount of weekly team messages, that would make things much easier.

greetings, Martin (knightinthenight123)

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