
screen problem

The screen on windows is not fit on the browsers.this problem happened recently.please fix it
Yes, board covers too much area on computer.
@Dirdil2 said in #2:
> Yes, board covers too much area on computer.
exactly.untill they fix problem use ctrl+/_ on your browser to zoom in or out on the screen to fill comfortable when you are playing
the chessboard is not displayed, the problem occurred today
Could you please provide screenshots that show the error? Does dragging the lower right corner of the board to change its size help?
@loepare said in #5:
> Could you please provide screenshots that show the error? Does dragging the lower right corner of the board to change its size help?
the board is not displayed at all, there are no corners to resize.... where to send a screenshot?
You can either go to #support on our discord, you can also just send it in here (via imgur link).
@loepare said in #5:
> Could you please provide screenshots that show the error? Does dragging the lower right corner of the board to change its size help?
Yes, it helped for my problem. Now it's size is OK to play. Thanks.
@loepare said in #5:
> Could you please provide screenshots that show the error? Does dragging the lower right corner of the board to change its size help?
Can I send screenshot too?

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