
Anyone can become grandmaster

You probably heard about neuralink. It is a brain chip that connects you to any computer which means you can just use your computer without ever touching it right from your brain. That means in future you can just play chess at a gm level by communicating with engine like stockfish
@tixem75 said in #1:
> You probably heard about neuralink. It is a brain chip that connects you to any computer which means you can just use your computer without ever touching it right from your brain. That means in future you can just play chess at a gm level by communicating with engine like stockfish
that will be cheating
@Satvikpattanaik said in #4:
> like atleast 1,000$

Thats generous, but idk what ot actually costs and @tixem75 said 'in the future', so maybe someday it may be affordable. But yeah it definitely is cheating
at that time, chess would be a thing of past. just like chaturanga became chess. chess would become something else. or maybe, something totally different. or, just extinct...
If we can communicate to a stockfish
Then even GMs and IMs may use it so it will be a draw

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