
check mate vs 2200

HyperBullet and normal bullet are not real chess. It's alright if you enjoy them, but what happens in bullet and hyperbullet have very, very little to do with real chess.
#5 Is it? I'm a (fairly) strong player who loved bullet in my past, but moved away from it because I realized it wasn't helping me in the slightest. I was just like you when I was much weaker, actually. The problem with bullet is that thinking isn't really a part of it. Especially with hyper-bullet, where it goes from making moves off of intuition really fast, but taking a split second, to pretty much just pre-moves without much thought of your opponent's plans and position. That's not chess. It takes the beauty out of chess and replaces it with mindless fun. That's fine, but I'll take being playing actual chess, and improving, rather than being able to move slightly faster than someone else and flag them in a losing position.
Is there an unbiased opinion? Bullet is a variant where the main objective is not to lose on time, you don't have any time for calculation, and good, clean chess is nigh impossible.
Yeah I agree.

The poor guy/girl mouse-slipped. Not impressive.

Moving your mouse fast and accurately enough should not be taken into consideration when it comes to evaluating chess skills. Unless of course you are playing bullet :P.

I was expecting a well fought battle when I saw the title tho.

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