
Don't accept takebackes from this player in Antichess games if...

you expect him to do the same for you
we played a couple of games he wanted a takeback in every single one of them
I was so kind to accept especially in situations where he was 100% losing!
and in our last game it was as always he blundered and send me like 4-5 takebacks to be in a better position.. and after he was still losing later i was getting losing my concentration because this s***show lasted like over 5 min per 1 move
so i blundered on a winning position because i wasn't paying attention anymore and killing time in another tab
Look i knew its my fault i blundered and it was my decision to accept those takebacks and all BUT
I do like sportsmanship and if you are getting treats on blunders more than on one occasion you should be able to return the favour or otherwise it's just a s****y was of getting a win especially if you play more than one game together
and maybe he is a nice guy but it really bugged me and i don't want others to experience the same so here is a fair warning
i do not held a grudge or want him marked as anything on this platform but i do think this person needs to reevaluate this situation and as he probably won't i'd rather warn others in advance

here is the link to the game:

Only do takebacks when it's super obvious the move doesn't make sense because of some accidental mouse release. In other cases blundering should be a part of the learning process; takebacks prevent those blunders from being stored to memory.
@Priem19 i do agree with partly but its really situational ...

also i played with some players for over 70 games and with some we have nice chats and exchange thoughts on the game so i disagree with you if you say it as an overall principle but if you play with players for the first time and its rated maybe than its better not to do so
but in doing so i maybe lose the opportunity to play with this player again and some times its the worse option
the thing is im am really stunned how many bad behaved players are on lichess especially considering the fact that this type of game usually applies to people who like to think and there is a strong correlation between good manners and logical thinking
but i guess its my mind telling me its worse than it actually is :)
If it is casual game,then feel free to accept takebacks opponent is sending you.If opponent cannot do the same thing,then next game with this opponent you may want to play without any takebacks at all.In rated games it really depends when you give your opponent a takeback or not.I usually give a takeback,if it was obvious mouse-slip.And,i rarely give takeback twice for the same move.
Thank you for your feedback
The point of me making this thread was not to get a general feedback on takebacks yet im still thankful for sharing your opinion with me!
The POINT of the thread was to give all antichess players especially higher rated ones (top 10%) a warning on that particular player and his style and sportsmanship!
Disable takebacks, problem solved. Too many players with issues, playing just for win by all means available (what do they win I don't get). Why don't they have a running competition with stones. Or play solitaire with real cards and cheat. In fact, maybe they do.
I remember one time that I was playing a game and I accidentally blundered mt queen (no mouse-slip). I mean, I placed her in a square that was quarded by an opponent's piece. When I played the move, HE offered ME a takeback for MY move. This is real spotsman. I also remember one time that it happened to me to mouse-slip and I requested a takeback. The move I played was ligth evident that was -16 in a 15+15 game. Of course, it is very unlikely I wanted to play that move deliberately. I explained to my opponent the situation but he declined nonetheless. Another point I want to mention is that I most of the times I accept a takeback, not my opponents though. Is it so important to gain some rating points? Do you really want to beat your opponent because of his mouse-slip? At the end of the day, you are playing chess for -mostly- fun. What I suggest is generally accepting takebacks ONLY if it is likely they made a silly move due to mouse-slip. If the same move is played twice, no takeback should be allowed.
I think most players that play without takebacks don't do it because of the points, but because of the reason given in the original post: Takeback requests break concentration and make it harder to take the game serious.

Even if the game does not turn into a "s***show" because of a flood of takebacks, a single one can already be sufficient to derail one's thought process. E.g. if it's not really obvious whether it was an actual mouseslip or a blunder. You start thinking about that, and ponder whether to accept or not, and what was that thought about the game you had before again? Whoops, you forgot. Thus, it's reasonable to auto-decline takebacks.

PS: Public shaming is not good sportsmanship, either.

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