
Warning when going on

Hm... Yes.
I just turned off safe search there and tried to go on it but it still showed up the same message.
It could not connect a secure connection to the server. Man that’s spooky
K, I messaged my cousin five days ago and this is what happened😂

I messaged my cousin who I will call Kelly and she said that a friend of ours, who I will call Kate gave it to her. Kelly told me she would message her.

20 hours later

Kelly messaged me and told me that Kate said that Kelly said her sister gave it to her and she would ask her when she could.

Never heard back from her.
I don't know why.
Because she's on her social media regularly as usual which means nothing happened her.
I just do not know what to do now😂😂😂
I can't believe this...
Kellys sister said her friend in school gave it to her 🤦
How long will this chain will last? 😂😂😂

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