
Do cheaters receive a warning several games before their account is closed?

Thanks for the answers.

Pashut : To give kids a chance to change behaviour before the public shaming.
They can't even cheat a little bit. It's very unfair, isn't it. "Your honour, it was only a little bit of murder. Haven't we all killed someone? Who here can say they are blameless?"
@Zooparis -- Public shaming is strongly discouraged on Lichess.

The cheater mark is not to encourage public shaming (which is strongly discouraged on Lichess), but rather to warn others to stay away. As for offering the "kid" a chance, my opinion is very clear: actions have consequences. And those consequences can also teach / motivate someone to change their behavior, even more so than second chances. Just my 2c.
I agree with you Pashut.
But here is the situation a warning could prevent:
A kid plays some games on lichess and cheat. Nothing happen. Because of the lockdown he plays a private tournament with the other kids of his club. During this tournament his account is closed. As a consequence everybody in the club knows he cheated. The kid is so ashamed, he quits chess.
@Zooparis He quits chess? He was never playing chess in the first place. He was simply an interface for stockfish. Good riddance to him - meanwhile the other kids can play honest chess with non-cheats, who now receive extra encouragement in the form of more wins than they'd have enjoyed had they been playing a computer.
The kid was qualified for the national championship in his age category. Not talented as a cheater but talented as a chess player.

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