
Any game longer than 300 moves adjudicated as a draw?

A great example is the left wing group antifa, which claims to fight fascism in the name of tolerance, while intimidating those who disagree with them.
@GBA87 I think, the political discussion should be in the "Off-Topic" forum but a few things: 1. Just because the antifa claims that they are liberal or tolerant doesn't mean they are. I wouldn't point to nazis in discussion with conservatives. Many political idea when done to the extreme are bad. 2. There are conservatives with the same problems like aescht (great example: Fox News). How do you know he isn't one of those people?
I'm willing to discuss this in the off topic discussion, it's just that
aescht specifically mentioned Trump
@GBA87 I genuinely would be interested if you can point out to me if I have a distortion in my thinking. And I agree that this thread would be a bit strained by that.

I don't want to shift the burden to you, but if you are inspired start a thread at off-topic and tell me. Otherwise I'm happy to leave the discussion as it is for now.
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1. The game may end at move 301, but it should give a warning. ("last 50 moves")

2. If it ends, it should end in no rating change (aborted), or better - be evaluated by a chess engine and objectively decided if it is a draw or a win (uneven bishops = draw, overwhelming material, silly or not = win).

3.The way it is now, it gives an incentive for the losing side to play on. It leads to the bad behaviour to never quit and hope for the 301 move rule to kick in. It gives a reward for not resigning, because every now and again you anger your opponent with that and games like 301 moves happen. There should really be no other incentive than to hope for a draw.

4. The best and funniest anti-dote for a player who is not resigning and hoping to make it to the 301st move is: check mate him spot on at move 300. And if it is an incremental game - go slowly. Take your time, use the increment. I had a good laugh when I played to the very last second and got 4 sec increment for each move each time. So for a very long time (painfully slow) I needed about 4 sec per move, and my clock was always between 5 and 1 seconds.
But watch out! if you start to giggle, it is much harder to click the mouse, so when you start to giggle, make the safety zone rather 20-30 sec on your clock, and start to chat a little bit. But dont tell you know about the 301 move rule, otherwise you risk your opponent lets his time run out.
#68 Which chess engine? Which version of which chess engine? Using what hardware, using what software, for how long, etc.? What if the engine is wrong? What if that engine would have reported a different result if it used tablebases? What if the human players aren't engines and would have made mistakes?
Not resigning does deserve a reward, as it is a bet on whether the opponent will mate or not! Answering by trolling makes no sense: if you think your opponent is wasting your time, why don't you mate him on the spot?

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