Donate timeout timeout
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can't it be detected when a person is kicked out of a game due to server timeout? I was already tilted, lost 40 points ffs, just trying to kill some time online, I guess I wont be playing for a while
<Comment deleted by user>
There is some ongoing issue. It's being worked on as we speak.
the site was crushing and couldn't play and the site banned me.
No, you were given a timeout for aborting all your recent games.
no, the site aborted all my games. On my screen I had the pic of "sorry something went wrong". When the site was restored I was told about the time out. But I was not aborting the games.
anyway, until now I had about 9000 games with extremely low percentage of aborted games. I was playing all my games to the end. And I was a bit frustrated about the this time out.
lichess was actually down today. The after the timeout sign another singn poped up on my screen saying that lichess was down.

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