
Swiss Tournament Players Timing Out Without Playing Their 1st Move.

I see tons of players doing this, and the worst thing is, as far as I know, they get no warnings, rating loss, or bans! I think lichess should make these instances rated and deduct the regular amount of rating points. According to me, this would cut these instanced down by quite a lot. It is quite frustrating in classical tournaments. Even better, adopt the arena like approach, but give a longer time for the opponent to arrive. Lichess Team, I hope you implement this! Thank you for everything you do for giving us this world-class chess experience. For free too!

I believe they receive a forfeit loss, just like they would in a formal, OTB event. Other than that though, I concur with your ideas; it is quite annoying when you need to wait for the next round, without playing a game.
Yes, especially if it's rapid or classical. But what if they just forget's to leave the tournament and logs out of lichess don't knowing that they have a game and loses a lot of rating, that could be unfair too. But I also hope that lichess can fix this, it's quite annoying to play those that let's the time run out.

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