
'Submit' button not working ?

I just tried to add some - admittedly, not very positive - comment with respect to the 'achivemement' of one of my coaches, but for some reason the 'submit' button seems just to not work ?
Please advise.
Thank You
I might add, that - in order to provide evidence - I'm willing to make available the 'whatsapp' communication we had and - of course - also the communication we had on the server.
So, dear admins, what is the suggested procedure to deal with this kind of issues ? Thank you.
It's really sad. Despite paying a considerable amount of money in advance, the 'coach' in question refused to look at my games. It's not the money - I'm used to get 'robbed' by small amounts - but the 'attitude'. I mean, we follow a game Nepo - Carlsen, and the comment it 'This line is just crap for black'. Pleae advise. Thank you.

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