
Solution to Electric Energy storage ? Is this the solution? Let me know what do you think

Have you ever watched the movie Geostorm?

They have shown it too much but some part of it can be real.
It is economically unfeasible because solar panels are notoriously inefficient when it comes to energy conversion. Furthermore, the potential gradient which occurs in long distance electrical energy transfer discourages such systems. Further problems than I can think of just of the top of my head are that solar panels produce DC currents but most of our electrical energy transfer occur in AC. So we are gonna need a completely new infrastructure, added with this the cost of setup for an integrated connection I think this is just unfeasible.
This will lead to more complications in load forecasting and estimation, fault detection and correction, increased dependency to foreign powers. I think someone else also mentioned the problem which may occur due to global tension. Like in this time of pandemic we have realised the importance of being self resilient. I think no country would ever want to globalise the energy sector.
@Monil-Mansukhani I get what you are saying, I think TESLA has done something similar only not on global scale. Though I really think that investing in these things would detriment progresses. I don't think it is a ludicrous idea though all of this would take a long time to make, hence lots of money will need to be invested into this as a consequence. I guess this really depends on your political view, as I said many people just hate globalism. Now talking about nuclear energy, we still have not really understood nuclear fusion, if we could manipulate it then it would really improve technology and just about everything including our daily lives
@Rajat_Singh You dont know what you are talking about. As i said earlier ROI is only 2 years. And its already an tested system as far as dc to ac infra is concern.
@ValiantPawn123 Honestly i would take safe and easy solar energy any day instead of nuclear fission. I think nuclear fusion might be too complicated for every country to have this tech. And i just hate this word (nuclear). just dont want anything nuclear
@Monil-Mansukhani, I get what you mean, but it is necessary to make technological progress. The plan which you devised hypothetically is plausible. "Not every country will have this technology as you" for those countries it would probably be better to no even do that the plan which you devise, they have enough of problems already. Since many countries could not afford to invest enough money mainly Africa and South Asia and many more it would be mainly Europe and America who will engineer the project. This already will deter them since they will be the ones paying most. Also this is a long-term plan, in 20 years there probably will be a better alternative then this. So yeah, it is not that effective
What you are saying isn't possible. Not in some years, atleast. World Wide Grids can cause a lot of problems. Powerful Men/Countries may just simply destroy the grid even before the supply is stopped from getting to them.
Also, security will be needed to protect the grid from any attack. Who will know if someone tampered with the underwater grid??

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