
Statistic tools for your games

Last time I was checking my profile and I felt like the stats provided were quite limited (no offense to the devs, keep up with the great work !).

I think it would be super-nice to have some "statistic tool".

It would enable you to see your % of victory/draw depending on several factors like the opening, the color, the strength of your opponent, etc ; and all of this based on all the games played over a certain period of time that could be adjusted.

For example, I could see that I have a 65% winning rate with white playing the Ruy Lopez over the last three months vs only 58% playing the italian game,or that even if I have an overall winning rate of 41% with the Scandinavian over the same period, it was only about 35% in the last two weeks (I made up the data).

The way I see it you'd have a board where depending on the position that you put Lichess gives you your stats, and a list of the games concerned (even if that last feature already exists).

I'm pretty sure that one can do it by downloading all the games and charging them on chessbase, but it would definitely be nice to do it directly on Lichess. Also that could help you prepare against another Lichess player.

What do you think about it ? I'm unfortunately not a programmer so I cannot really contribute, but it doesn't seem too complicated to implement.


I think you are looking for the statistics for the advanced search feature which is temporary disabled for now.
#1 I think a tool which gathers statistics and draws correlations (including but not limited to opening statistics) would be useful.

#2 I think a user would want to be able to observe correlations for a variety of searches at the same time.
What about automating such analysis of the game data of every user and advising them videos to watch and puzzles and openning questions to solve based on this data, on their profile page ? lichess - Personal trainer V.1.0 ? anyone :D Perhaps things can be ordered in importance for the user as well, ie. if last 30 games suggest 20 losses in winning positions due to blunders, uplift the tactics training automatically for the user in a training task list.

Also other types of trainings could be useful, such as one suggested in the forum for avoiding blunders; look at a position for 30secs and try to setup the board etc.

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