

Two players place their pens on the oppsite side of a table.
Aim is to kick other pen out of table.
Rules: To strike their pens in a way like one does in a carrom to a striker with finger.
When a pen is kicked out of table, the owner of other pen is the winner!
Speed and angle (of striking) are the dependent factors.

I have played many tournaments of pen-fighting with friends. It's enjoying!
Try it out!

Well, it's a non-recognised game but popular among school going students.
@clousems said in #1:
> When I was in elementary school, Silly Bandz were all the rage among my fellow students.

Yeah, when I was in school it was the Bay City Rollers.
@morphyms1817 yep,played the football game also used to make rings and necklaces out of gum wrappers,folded paper to make balloons and then there was the cootie catcher.
There was cricket with a rubber ball and a bottle of dishwashing fluid as a bat. You could throw mean spinners as the ball would turn like mad on a piece of carpet.

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