
*Do You Believe That Older People Are Not Valued Enough And Too Easily Dismissed??

Human Rights for Older Persons

The number of older people (defined as those aged 65 years or older) tripled from around 260 million in 1980 to 761 million in 2021.

Between 2021 and 2050, the global share of the older population is projected to increase from less than 10% to around 17%.

Rapid growth in the number of people reaching older ages underscores the significance of promoting health, preventing, and treating illnesses throughout the entire course of life.

In societies with aging populations, it becomes imperative to adjust to the increasing number of elderly individuals who possess a diverse range of functional capacities.

The capability to carry out essential functions and partake in everyday activities is influenced not solely by an individual's inherent capacity but also by the social and physical environments in which they reside.

Supportive environments play a pivotal role in assisting older individuals to maintain their activity levels and independence as they progress in age.

Change the Way You Think About Age:

Did you know?

- The number of people aged 65 years or older worldwide is projected to more than double, rising from 761 million in 2021 to 1.6 billion in 2050. The number of people aged 80 years or older is growing even faster.

- Globally, babies born in 2022 are expected to live 71.7 years on average, 25 years longer than those born in 1950.

- Population ageing is an irreversible global trend. In 2021, 1 in 10 people worldwide were aged 65 or above. In 2050, this age group is projected to account for 1 in 6 people globally.

- Women tend to live longer than men and thus comprise the majority of older persons. In 1950, women could expect to live almost four years more than men globally. In 2021, the difference between the two had increased to more than five years.

- The number of individuals categorized as older working-age (55 to 64 years) is projected to surge from 723 million in 2021 to 1,075 million in 2050, and eventually to 1,218 million by 2100

A longer life brings with it opportunities, not only for older people and their families, but also for societies as a whole.




Let's Make The World A Better Place For Everyone!

On the contrary at least in the US older people have disproportionate amount of political power to the detriment of society at large. Resulting in the gutteding of education funding and ignoring of climate change.
I feel I have been undervalued and dismissed all my working life upto right now, being even older will not help this. :).
I believe when people are Social Security Age (outside their prime working years), that those people still have worth, and that worth deserves compassion by Society. And, although, They may be outside of their prime working years - being old, there is the old great addage, "Because I have been given much, I too must give..." The older generations built what we take for granted. They gave us that leap. Also, I feel that how we treat our seniors speaks to the maturity level of society. And, then, People's purpose aren't just to be Human robots in their prime working years either - manufactoring goods/services in the economy for others to consume, working - although that serves a purpose. Often self actualization happens when seniors are freed from that human robot purpose, in their older age - enjoying even their grandchildren, and sharing wisdom with them.
I think I'm gonna go throw some peanuts at some pigeons.
What about me? I'm pretty sure I'm the world's oldest young person... am I overvalued or undervalued?
@clousems can we play chess seems you cant except challenges. My therapist said then only way i can maintain a sense of self worth is beating my master.

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