
sparringpartner ??!?

hi iam looking for a sparringpartner for chess for some fun times on lichess ( dutch times )

only for playing games 3/5min and analyses discussions mainly for getting better by playing, (sparingpartner)
@JMTromp I play the classical dutch with the black pieces against most openings, and I've been playing mostly the English Opening or the Reverse Dutch (Bird's Opening) with the white pieces. I'd be happy to play some games against you, but we've got a 7-hour time difference... it would have to be during a Saturday, a Sunday, or past midnight (your time).
i do not mean the dutch opening but, the country for time management (when we can play got a life you know XD ) , i myself play the dragon, indian, benoni, dutch,kg, english, and some e4 openings at the moment.
yes but that openings is very bad in kungfuchess. i play abcdefgh-4 first and then turn all the pieces into knightqueens to jump them into the enemy. i have won already thousand games that way because it's so surprising
no!!! it has nothing to do with fish!!!
it's a board made from woo with wooden pieces! if you come to my hous i can show you, not in de stui smartiephoon! now go away! fish. ptui!
It's a coward dude, keeps running away. As an english admiral has been coined to phrase during one of the anglo-dutch wars: "The dutch are shat by the devil".
A most astute observation, as you will doubtlessly agree.
Regrettably one cannot but concur Mr. Vogler, one cannot but concur.

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