
Stockfish level 2 and 3

I always checkmate Stockfish 2 but have no chance when steppig up to Stockfish 3,
Any chance we can get a 2.5?

I can't help you because you almost only played games against Stockfish!
I find stockfish 3 has several faces. Sometimes it plays really dumb moves that no one would really play. And the rest of the time it plays much stronger and more normal. Stockfish 4 is more consistent.
Are you able to defeat Stockfish level 2 every time?
~ Can't the game end in a draw which I saw that you did earlier.

Well, all that I can say is that you need to request computer analysis of the game and see what mistakes you make which you can avoid in future games.
And also do motifs in the puzzles section as they help.

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