
The Atheists Guide to Dealings with the Metaphysically Retarded

lol my teacher at junior christian endeavorors , (a place mum sent us to every tuesday so she could get a bit of peace and quiet ) was right to call me a doubting thomas , as if thats a bad thing too, but i think we should question everything and do not see an inquiring mind as sinful, and if god gets his knickers in a twist about doubt then im sorry he has such a weak character that can brook no criticism
oh oh ive done it now , gods at the door and he dont look happy should i keep him shut out or let him in ?
what would you do ?
@sabutuma said in #59:
> ah no its in nordic mythology ,
> but the concept now is a place of punishment for sins
> but who makes those rules ? oh yeah the priests , why ? as a way to enforce morality in society or a way to put the fear of god into an innocent , probably a bit of both i bet ,

Aha! So Hell's a woman! We should have known!
Something which atheism doesn't explain is the behavior of Jesu disciples and those who wrote the bible.

If the disciples did not
really believe that Jesus had arisen from death, they would not have laid so much effort into telling other people about him, surely they would insist that he had arisen from death, but they would just shuttle in and don't try to convince other people about it. Almost all of the apostles was killed and they were arrested many times since they continued to tell people about Jesus even though that they was told to stop lots of times. Wouldn't they only do so if they really believed that everyone needed salvation and that it could only be achieved through Jesus.

And the same with the people who wrote the books in the bible, some of the things which stand there are so absurd that those who wrote them must have believed it theirselves.
@BenjaminMaridal Fanaticism does not constitute evidence. And if you really think that a claim is more credible the more absurd it is then you are seriously deluded.
Once I had my soul burning during two days. I rather believe in hell and the devil.
Just seems to me that being priest of whatever religion is a lot easier that working for a living.i think it's all one big racket.
@FutureAstronomer said in #51:
> God exists for the one who believes that they exist and they don't exist for the one who refuses their existence. You can't just force people to believe in the existence of God, also you don't have any specific proof.
We have tons of logical and scientifically proofs but can't mention here since fight will start
@Ameershahul29 said in #69:
> We have tons of logical and scientifically proofs

Name your strongest logical and your strongest scientific proof then.

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