
suggestion: do not use red to indicate selection on main page

In the new layout (which I like), red is used to indicate the current selection, along with the vertical line. Kudos for the vertical line - people that are color blind will appreciate that. As for the color, red, I think, is a mistake. Red is an indicator of danger, and this is consistent across cultures, I believe. Also, red is not very different from the color it's distinguishing from - orange. The non-selected items are orange. If you want a suggestion for a different color, how about purple?
I don't know what you're talking about here. What selection? I thought you meant the top tabs, but they're orange and the line is horizontal.
Thibault: the list of game types on the left side of the screen, on the watch page. For example, if I select bullet to watch, then bullet becomes red.

On the main page, blue is used as the selection color. Maybe that same blue would work well (and be consistent) if used on the watch page as the selection indicator as well, and/or other pages.

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