
The pesky ToS #8

Oh come on. #2 just sums it up. End of. Just do, don’t take matters into your own hands, let the lichess mods and devs take care of it, it’s their website
@CalbernandHowbe You can't just say "it's their website". That's entirely selfish. It's our website. Even if they pay for it, we are also supposed to care for it. The website depends on the playerbase and if the playerbase is messed up, then the website is not good.
Ok sorry, maybe that was the wrong thing to say, my bad. I mean to say: let them take care of it? That’s what the moderators are for, and to be honest would make their life easier I think, even if the reports aren’t correct (as long as they are sensible)
@MrBongcloud The real issue seems to be that you report forums which you believe are spam, they are then not removed by lichess who does not consider them spam, and you cannot accept this outcome.

Like I said, if you have reported either/or forums before and they are not removed, then this tells you what is lichess' definition on whether these forums are considered spam or not (answer: they are not). So the only thing for you to do is move on and accept that this is lichess' policy.
Also, how do we report forums? I know how to report players, but how do we report forums?
report the OP of the forum I guess or the person trolling / advertising in the forum, and link the forum in the report

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