
Whats your own quotes?

I had a great collection of quotes, but they were all scribbled down in different places at different times. Many from Terry Pratchett, who was a dab hand at one-liners in his day. These are, appropriately, from the back of one of my chess notebooks:

In Klatch they take their mythology seriously. It's only real life they don't believe.
Poor I don't mind. It's sobriety that's giving me difficulties.
Paranoia is only thinking everybody is out to get you. Wizards know it.
To call his understanding of theory abysmal is to leave no suitable word to describe his grasp of its practice.
Becoming great can eventually make one happy. Just not dependably.
I've been known to casually drop the phrase "sad whale, baby" in conversations.

Kudos to you if you know what that means.
If you play well you might win; if you play badly, you do not deserve to win.

You do not need to be the best at a game to enjoy it.

I do not mind losing as long as I have fun.
Oh, he's a sad whale, baby...

He's a leviathan
headed for a cryathon!

He's got huge means
but life's crushing his dreams!

He can take out a ship
with his tail (a mere flip!)

Indeed, he just needs the tip!
So don't give him no lip!

Just say "yes, sir"
and don't utter a slur,

'cause he's one bad dude
And he's NOT in the mood!

So best run for cover, or toward your big brother
or some bigger other!

'Cause he's a sad whale, baby.

--- Props to @clousems (#23) for the inspiration. Don't blame him for the result.
You'll never be fully ready for anything in life. Most of the time you'll be almost completely unprepared. And that's okay :)
I often quote G. B. Shaw; it adds spice to my conversation.
"I put off everything till the last minute. But because I have so much confidence in myself, I have never been disappointed."
"You can read a book twice but the ending will always be same" -Argnon09 2024 precisely
@ArgMon09 said in #29:
> "You can read a book twice but the ending will always be same" -Argnon09 2024 precisely

What if it’s a “choose your own adventure”?