
Stop someone from Auto observing each game?

The request seems reasonable. Of course, whether it can be or should be implemented is up to lichess and the community.
I do not block people. But I sometimes see my friends watch my game and I can get the feeling of pressure from the audience, I sort of prefer to be playing without spectators sometimes, other times I do not mind. A solution to this would be an option to allow or not allow spectators for games, but that feels like to much to integrate. If you not want your friend/enemy to watch your game you can always wait a few minutes before the next pairing, I found that the lichess TV didn't make them auto see my next game if I left 5-10 minute intervals for my next seek, or maybe just login to account. I use 2 active lichess accounts atm (Although I do not advocate having to many accounts).
Chess is a leisure activity in which people take interest in public games.
Like with tournament rules, spectators are permitted as long as the right conditions are meet.

How about changing the list of names to a single image.

The player would have to hover over the image to see if someone is watching the game.

I believe having watchful eyes is a good thing. It's how we learn, protect, express our feelings.
For me, I'm more than happy to see people watching my games. It's not a distraction, I can funnel my attention to the task. When people are watching, it's like receiving a silent complement.

There will always be someone overlooking or even breathing over our shoulders. It's the distance or size of our bubble that will make us feel alone, or change our mood. Some may feel alone even in a crowd and sometimes a crowd is too much.
Some might even get paranoid by the list of viewers. So I believe an image instead of a list of viewers might be the solution.
It would also be useful to think about adding the similar feature to simuls and self-created tournaments.
In a chess site I played when I just started learning chess, there was a option to isolate your game so spectators couldn't watch it. Maybe lichess could add that if people really dont like specatators?
One poster said it well - seeing the person in the chat is very annoying. I shouldn't have to see the name of someone who was harassing me every time I play a game. Its similar to playing a friendly game in real life and having some annoying person watching over your shoulder. Some people on here are not bothered by this. Thats fine, everyone responds differently. But I think there should be some option:

1) If you block a user, default is to block that user from any games you playing, including observing you.
2) If this is not possible or hard to do, then next best would be to hide the blocked user name in the chat so that you never see that they are watching you.

To the person that said Lichess is public and you don't own your games, thats fine, but it should still be possible to create an environment where playing is customizable so you don't have to be annoyed. That doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

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