
Write your own quote for current world events.

Here are a couple of mine:
-When the evidence is clear, so clear that it’s literally glowing in plain sight, that we must either act now or lose the cause, we refuse to see it. Because we can’t see the possible to be possible.
-Action is only made by hope.
-Acting is acting, then, now, beginning, start, first. Action is not waiting. Action is taken when you first see the problem.
@LordSupremeChess said in #2:
> Is anyone gonna respond to this...
I will...

"The day people will realize what they did to the whole planet, they will regret it".
"The thing that is the right thing to one can be something different to someone else."
A great person dies only when his name is quoted for the last time-- Sun tzu
@Chess-Phantom15 said in #7:
> A great person dies only when his name is quoted for the last time-- Sun tzu
The name clearly said create your own...not copy someone else's quote.
When the rivers are gone you cannot drink oil.

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