
Easy way to fix the forum!

NO! My old account was not a troll, and i am not a troll, i closed my old account, Because people like you were insulting me!
I am just a guy, who wants forum games or just typing!
I am Under 18, i am only a child, everybody insults me, what can ı do now?!
what is wrong with asking about how to make a stockfish bot? not everyone knwos how, in fact i don't knwo how either
just don't post forum's like your license one, and perhaps just enjoy the game of chess, instead of posting in forums
"i closed my old account, Because people like you were insulting me!_

@Komokid HE ADMITS. Also it was because he was a huge spammer. He won't listen to you. This is in fact his SECOND account.
i knwo but people can't gang up on others with no solid proof, how about you have proof to his old accoutn being a spammer? what even was his username?
okay @AOOP9_2 no one will insult you, as long as you DON'T POST FORUMS THAT DON't MAKE SENSE, preferably chess related questions, if you proceed to do this, no one will insult you, understand?
@Komokid he admits to having a second account. He deleted it, so you cannot see its posts.

Just think about it.

One of his recent posts was complaining about no one liking him.

Look what he just said- no one liked him on that account either.

DUH! He literally just admit no one liked his old account, that means obviously no one liked his spam.

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