

Outside, the solivagant squirrel apricates. I see him doing it, right now.
I've just detected a striking parallel between ambergris and Cartman's secret hamburger recipe.
Should I be worried?
@Noflaps said in #11:
> Outside, the solivagant squirrel apricates. I see him doing it, right now.

I once appreciated an insolvent squirrel. He forgot to store nuts for winter.
As I say to every squirrel I see: nuts! Don't leave your home without them!
Funny. Tiger's eyes are often kind of amberish of colour. I, however, once possessed a black one. But it was lost inside the torrential tides of time.
@Bladerduck said in #17:
> Funny. Tiger's eyes are often kind of amberish of colour. I, however, once possessed a black one. But it was lost inside the torrential tides of time.

sounds like hearsay

To throw someone out a window
I think I first heard the term in something by Mark Twain
Always liked the word
I wonder if fenestrate
Means to throw someone
Into a window?

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