
Today Someone Messaged Me I did not See It But it showed its read .

Today Someone Messaged Me I did not See It But it showed its read . I had 28 notifications And It went To 27 Even Tho I had Not seen any notification
I checked My security But No Device Was Unknown To me , Is it a Bug...?or is someone Hacking..?
Enable Two Factor Authentication to secure ur acccount more?
Hardly possible to figure what you're talking about. Please refrain from excessive capitalization. Maybe that certain someone is chatbanned.
I guess you are hacked or he deleted the chat.
Might care to show who sent you the "invisible" message?
Maybe you just clicked the notification bell. Even if you haven't read it shows as read. Maybe it's just that. It has happend to me too.
Oh i found The reason a different tab was open in which that chat was there . and thats why in my other tab It became 28 to 27

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