
Easy way to fix the forum!

i will admit i dont' understand the thumbs downs either, but as legobuilder has stated, the emotes shouldn't insult you
@Komokid even if you give him advice he won't listen. This is his second account. Even now, after your advice he will continue. Just ignore him. IGNORE HIM. Never feed trolls.
he makes a solid point no? he admits that if you tell him what he did wrong, he will hopefully change, so instead of insulting him, tell him what he did wrong
No in my old account, they are sending private messages.
In this account, a player sendting private insulting message, too!
I can send u this players name.
okay, but @AOOP9_2 just learn from this, realize that lichess takes pointless forums seriously, i recommend if you post anything, something about chess related okay? if you fail to correct your mistakes, i will not support you anymore, but i still belive everyone deserves a second chance
@Komokid "he will hopefully change"

tons of people told him to stop on his other account as well. It is so obvious he is just a troll. If he really was going to change he would have done so. Stop giving him chances if he refuses to take them. To him, you are just defending his behavior and encouraging him to troll.
@Komokid look at his latest message... bruh. This is what all trolls do. Look what K_Wang and yoyboi did. They started talking about stuff like this, begging for pity. Then they trolla again.

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