
game analysis

the section 'game analysis'must be really improved and all users must get a attention into it.whenever a post any relavent topic on any position,there would be very very less replies.whereas when i do it in the general chess discussin or feedback,i get a thousnads of replies.the game analysis section has to be really be improved and all users must be active in that more than other which r very irrelavent..
What exactly do you want to see improved?
As far as I can see all decent posts in game analysis get a timely response and even some titled players take the effort to reply in a meaningful manner.
There is less posting in the game analysis forum than in the general discussion forum, so posts in game analysis stay longer on page 1 and get more notice.
Some posts in game analysis are less meaningful: like bullet or blitz games or posts not for analysis but for bragging.

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