
how many forum posts do you have? what was your first forum post??

<Comment deleted by user>
@Mantram_PateL i am not asking followers or likes. i am just asking 2 questions. what is spam in that. can u explain me??

❌ Don’t make threads for: “follow me”, “ join my team”, “join my simul”, “subscribe plz”
❌ Don’t make posts that encourage spam: “How many likes can this post get”
❌ Don’t reply to the thread, giving it more attention
@Happygirl28 this is spam, there are millions of forums like this, so don't create new ones.

Lets not post more in this forum, and promote spamming
who asked for followers? who asked for members?

Understand. I did not even tell that you're asking for members or followers. Look what you wrote in #3. I was mentioning that asking for followers and members in advertising not spamming.
@Happygirl28 @Xopia who told you were asking for followers or members? He is telling this SPAM. S.P.A.M, asking for followers/members is A.D.V.E.R.T.I.S.I.N.G!

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