
Connect your ordinary board to

C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\python.exe: can't open file 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Board calibration finished.

What on earth does this mean??
@MsHiVaNsH123 It seems like your working directory is incorrect. I suggest you to clone the repository using an IDE like PyCharm and follow the instructions there.
Hello, I'm using windows and I downloaded the zip file. I installed everything and used OBS Virtual Camera as my camera. It clearly saw the board. After clicking on 'Board Calibration', it simply didn't do anything. Just a black screen, so I clicked 'q' for quitting. It said this:
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 200, in <module>

NameError: name 'augmented_corners' is not defined

[25684] Failed to execute script 'board_calibration' due to unhandled exception!

Board calibration finished.

What should I do to make it work?
I'm using this on windows 11 with the windows executable found in GitHub. I encountered 2 errors at first but was able to fix them pretty quickly.

First Error: I got a missing constants error, which I found out was because I didn't press 'q' after scanning the board.

Second Error: I got the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "berserk\", line 63, in _catch_exception

File "requests\", line 960, in raise_for_status

requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:

Turns out all I had to do was reenter my token and it worked immediately!

I do wish there was an option I could select to rotate the board coordinates though, as the way I have my webcam setup the pieces I should be playing with are the ones farthest away from the side I'm sitting on. Great work by the developer! Other than the inability to rotate the board in the program, I have no complaints.

EDIT: I rushed through the documentation and completely missed this option was already implemented :') The move registration is a little slow, but has been accurate for me, which I am completely fine with. I'd much rather it be slow and accurate than fast and misread casting or captures.
Is very easy to use if dont give extra problems to the cam... i read a lot o people having trouble with the download... be carefull not do download the proyect files, those ones are the "backbone", and you guys need the exe. not the phyton proyect.
1. Go to "Project page"
2. Click on " Realeases"
3. The executables are in "Assets" there is the version for Win, macOs and Linux.
4. (for Windows) unzip ""
5. Run "gui.exe" (it it inside the file"
On Lichess
6. go to Preferences (lichess) then "API access tokens" to "create new access toke"
7. Choose "Play games with board api" find it on "EXTERNAL PLAY"
8. Dont forget to write the "Token description"
9. Enter "Create"
10. Copy your new personal access token and paste it in the program in "Lichess API Access Token"
11. Calibrate properly.
12.Set pieces
13. choose a long game vs Stockfish and wait, do not move yet
14. choose "start game" in program. and wait for comfirmation
15. move on your real board.
when you move wait for the program dont go to fast and repeat a move if having trouble.
Goodlight on the board is important