
Some more issues with puzzles

I am a bit annoyed with some aspects of the puzzles.

1) There are some very big differences in rating the difficulty of the puzzles. Some rated 1200 are much harder than some rated 1600 or even higher. I didn't keep track of examples but today I came across a blatant example of the opposite: in which world is this puzzle worth 2500?

2) When changing the setting from normal to -300 points it quite often just doesn't work. Instead of going down from 2700-2800 to 2400-2500 I still keep getting puzzles rated 2700. This might be happening more often after a reboot when Firefox restores the previous pages but not only then.

3) I'm not thrilled about the way the puzzles are chosen. They are taken from games played around here so that's fine so far. They very often pick a moment in a game when there seems a lot of luck in the position to be involved. The winning side did almost everything wrong, is underdevelopped and is facing threats from all sides but miraculously manages to escape.
Aside from the tactics involved it is just terrible to watch from a teaching standpoint. At least I'm struggling to recommend these puzzles to my students. The only other thing you can learn aside from the tactics is to never give up.

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