
Your banned (forum game)#2

@obladie banned because you are totally wrong about the whole f7 square stuff. There are exactly 437677927453 parralel Univers, which i undoubtedly proved in my 354729776734 characters long essay " The 437677927453 Proof ( for the Ultimate Proof of God's existence,refer to DrNykerstein). Considering quantic intrication and Schrōddinger's paradox,the f7 square randomly exists in these Universes,provided my gf eats cheese AND carrots. End of discussion.
@Unknown54 banned because you’re right, I said that before. So I copied myself, which is actually reusing.

Also banned because someone was already banned for being a copycat. (Yeah, I wrote that one too)

Also also banned for writing post #666
@TheSuicidalFrog banned for making the ridiculous claim that 437677927453 parallel universes could even fit in a box that is hardly big enough to swing a cat in when there is already a cat inside taking up all the room.

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