
So, who's the coolest?

@dstne said in #60:
> Well then, I’m sorry that you, like most, don’t want to look at yourself and consider a basic fact that is true for all people. I’m sorry, not because of your actions, but because of the eternal consequences that come from them. Enjoy your life now ig, before all you have is eternal pain and suffering that comes from the just punishment of offending a holy God.
> Sorry if this sounds severe, but I didn’t come up with the rules. Criminals can’t just be set free, so why should you? I’m really truly sorry for what you have to face one day.
It's okay, I'm not worried about the view of abrahamic religion that thinks the mass majority of humans to have ever existed on earth are wrong spiritually, and are damned lol - not something divinity would do

But sorry you believe that of people, it must be hard
@Under-the-radar said in #48:
> On the third hand, neither Satan nor debates about Satan ever gave me any problem. Conclusion?
Precisely. Conclusion.

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