
*What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?

@InkyDarkBird said in #7:
> Bruh -1 degrees Celsius is not going to ruin Earth.
> We also still have methane and other greenhouse gases.
from the ice age to today the earth has only warmed up 4-7 degrees (source- , also if there is no carbon dioxide plants will not be able to make food, hence no food for us.
@Black-Swan-22 said in #1:
> -----
> *What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?
> -----
gasoline cars but replace them with electric cars
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@debanjandey123 said in #17:
> Islam
Please don't bring religion or politics here and why that's a religion please don't harm the continents of the people belonging to Islam I don't believe in religion I believe all r human and that's only religion
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