
How many languages you know ? which languages you are fluent ? Write some your info about it .

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I can speak 3 languages

1st bengali my mother tongue 2nd english 3rd hindi
@bestplayer31 said in #4:
> What ??
> see i am just 13 , still learning anyway my english is far-better
what is studing
@moralisconundrum said in #11:
> IMO, learning binary is pointless. It's easy to learn but requires as a lot of repetition. What's really the point?

Binary if you mean assembly it is not pointless because imho
1. you understand the cpu architecture
2. you can program microchips
3. you can create a compiler for high level languages
4. you understand better the high level languages
5. through understanding you can program better
6. you can create a new programming language
7. you understand better the compiler options
8. you understand your os

Have fun with assembly
canada is a country Kannada is a language in India basically people speak kannada the most at karnata (where I am)

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