
Puzzle solving Desktop vs Android app

Hi, I noticed one annoying thing.

When I solve the puzzles from my desktop and then use the lichess smartphone app (android) the puzzles are not synced.
I need to solve the same ones I had already solved on my desktop and obviously there is no rating change.
Finally I get to a new puzzle and only then I can resume solving new puzzles.

Why the app is not in sync with my main account used on desktop?

I've heard other people have this problem too.
I'm excited for the new puzzle system which is currently in Beta - I've read about it here
Hopefully it will lead to an update to the app as well,
which fixes this. *fingers crossed*
In the meanwhile, you could try out the mobile Web Browser while solving the puzzles.
I've heard the puzzles works better there than in the app.

Chess on!
It's important to see chess puzzles more than once. that's how you really become familiar with particular configurations of pieces.

going after rating is missing the point.

i know that's not addressing the reason for your post, but i still felt like saying it.

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