
Multiple Accounts?

You can have 2 accounts, but make sure to ask for a permission (blindfolded accounts are allowed in most cases, I have one so)
in french:
un poulet traverse la rue mais pourquoi?
Albert Einstein : Le fait que ce soit le poulet qui traverse la route ou que ce soit la route qui se meuve sous le poulet dépend uniquement de votre référentiel.
Charles Darwin : Les poulets, au travers de longues périodes, ont été naturellement sélectionnés de telle sorte qu'ils soient génétiquement enclins à traverser les routes.
Isaac Asimov : La troisième loi des Poulets énonce qu'un poulet doit protéger sa propre existence sauf si cette protection le force à désobéir à un ordre humain ou à blesser un humain.
Macron: par ce que il a trouve un boulot
Staline: Le poulet va etre fusille sur le champ ainsi que tous les temoins de cet acte et 10 personnes tirées au hasard pour ne pas avoir empeché cet acte subversif.
in english:
a chicken crosses the street but why?
Albert Einstein: Whether it is the chicken crossing the road or the road moving under the chicken depends only on your repository.
Charles Darwin: Chickens, over long periods, have been naturally selected so that they are genetically inclined to cross roads.
Isaac Asimov: The third law of the Chickens states that a chicken must protect its own existence unless this protection forces it to disobey a human order or to hurt a human.
Macron: because he found a job
Stalin: The chicken will be shot on the spot as well as all the witnesses of this act and 10 people drawn at random for not having prevented this subversive act.

Thanks to whom?
Merci a qui>
@pi_31415 You can have multiple accounts provided you don't use them to do anything stupid. For example, dont evade blocks or bans, use them to create fictional forum arguments or to strengthen support for something, or to game ratings.
My blindfold account got banned. I asked why and they said "Multiaccounting is forbidden" and wouldn't tell me the reason why they really closed my account.

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