
It is not fair that not everyone gets to experience Stockfish 13 on lichess

Hi I use android tablet and I use Samsung internet for lichess
I tried using chrome but that won't work cause I don't know why
I still have stock fish 10 in my analysis board but you said you will and have released stock fish 13
So why don't I have stock fish 13
Or atleast what should I do
At "Samsung Internet" I also have Stockfish 10+, but at "Firefox" I have "Stockfish 12+". I also don't know why.
I agree, it's 'unfair' that chess.c0m users don't get to experience Stockfish 13 on lichess.
That's odd, it shouldn't have anything to do with the device, but beside that... it really makes literally zero difference. Stock fish is a waste of time for anyone trying to improve. I think it should be thrown out all together for the most part honestly, think for yourself. And the difference between different stockfish versions is miniscule (meaning literally almost nothing at all if not nothing at all) that being when in the light of what a human can benefit from it. All of them would crush the best human player, what does it matter which one you pick.
Possibly something to do with NNUE? If it's an old device it probably can't handle NNUE which is where the latest development has been focused. No idea how that translates to WASM.
I have 3000+ games on lichess and 20 games on chess***com
But I just keep the tab open
@eph289dotcom the device i am using was made in 2019
I guess it is about the browser and the device afterall
when i do request comps analyse i get stockfish 13. Stockfish 10 is on the move by move analyse.
Why does it matter? I don't see the difference between stockfish 10 and stockfish 13? I don't understand how the browser is changing it though to say the least as it should be lichess's server is set up that way for some odd reason. It isn't your device running stockfish, though you could make it... it's the lichess server, so whether or not you are running it on a toaster, an oven, a phone, or a computer it doesn't make sense to me why it'd change it. But also... all the stockfish things are still exactly the same thing really...

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