
On the lichess App

I'd like to suggest lichess do a few upgrades on their app. One is I notice there's no icon appearing on one's cell phone after installing the app. One has to go to "Settings", look for the lichess app on the list then click "Open" to use the app. It's quite annoying.

Another matter I'd like to mention is the app when used is kinda slow and sluggish with the movement of the pieces, the sound, etc..

I hope lichess fixes these issues soon as rectifying these will further highlight the site as being the best on what it does in the 'net. Thanks.
Another thing I'd like to mention is if someone downloads the app don't force the person to automatically use the app when he wants to watch games on the website. Give the person the option on whether he wants to watch games on the site or on the app.
Current lichess app isn't supported anymore and would be replaced by a new app made from scratch. I'm sure some of the problems you mentioned would be fixed.
There is no need for a lichess app since the website is designed also for mobile and tablets

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