
"calling last game" button

When a game starts, the buttons : hi, gl, hf, u2 are a fine idea

What about a "i'm calling last game" ?
Or, what about a couple customizable buttons?
Or what about a new set of buttons available during the game?
last game
nice move
look out for your time
my cat just peed on my keyboard

Just saying.
agreed. reminiscent of the FICS tells and custom buttons of BabasChess
Babachess, beer, kebabs and Sabrina, what glorious reminiscents of my youth, this aloof youth of mine with its glorious customizable buttons.
I guess I missed out on the FICS years. I do hope I am making up for it now... perhaps I might suggest a button for 'you should have won; look back at the game, you have some raw talent - don't waste it.' Maybe also 'you're just a dick to everyone for no reason, where do you get off? And oh look, I just beat you and you're not saying anything for some reason.'
On the real.
How about language tls?

IE If Romania set as home country auto set romanian translation to greeting messages.

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